Chapter Rose Croix - 15° To 18°

presiding officer - WiseMaster

Cape Fear
Chapter of Rose Croix No. 5
Wise Master Terry L. Kuhn, 33°
Senior Warden Douglas R. Collins, 32°
Junior Warden Patrick R. Terry, 32°, KSA
Orator G Frank Jones, 33°
Almoner Robert E. Connelly, 32° KCCH
Secretary Matt Moore, 32° KCCH
Treasurer R. Scott Bittler, 32°, KSA
Prelate Nicholas Coffey, 32°, KSA
Master of Ceremonies Dean Smith, 32°
Expert Allen R. Leathers, 32° KCCH
Assistant Expert Scott Kelly, 32°
Bearer of Beauceant Anthony House, 32°
Guardian of the Temple Ned Gregory, 32°, KSA
Tyler Bin Nguyen, 32°, PFK
Chaplain Andrew B. Wood, 33°

The hand of our God is upon all them for good that shall seek Him.

This is the first degree of the Rose Croix, the 15th Degree or Knight of the East, and the leading lesson is fidelity of obligations and constancy under difficulty. Masonry carries on a war against ignorance, intolerance and error. The chief stumbling blocks on the way to success in this crusadeare the indifference of its own members and the world.

Masonry teaches that God is paternal, having a concern for each individual, for each individualsoul is an emanation from Him, made for good and not evil. We must therefore persevere even as the ancient brethren have done, not withstanding all obstacles. We must pass through the darkness to reach the light.

The bonds and pledges of the brotherhood of the faithful are in no wise weakend by the collision of States and Empires.

The Sixteenth Degree or Knight of Jerusalem, is the story of the rebuilding of the Temple at Jerusalem is of peculiar interest to Masons, and while we no longer plan to build it, yet its story everconveys to us the thought that the world and every noble heart is God's Temple, and we should laborto establish the reign of love and peace, thus building a lasting temple to God, teaching Masons the ennobling effect to honest labor. The work of the soul, developing the virtues of patience and gentleness ought to be as important to us as that of earning our daily bread. "Freemasonry builds its temples in the hearts of men, and among nations."

To him that overcometh I will give to eat of the hidden manna.

The Seventeenth Degree or Knight of the East and West, is the first of the Philosophical Degrees which penetrate the inner mysteries of Masonry. In all times truth has been concealed in symbols. At the time of John the Baptist, all the ancient philosophical and religious doctrines became intermingled on account of the various conquests which brought the nations together. John, who taught some creed older than Christianity, must have belonged to the sect of Essenes, which was verysimilar to Christianity. It is from the Essenes that this degree has sprung. The Essenes believed that Truth was scattered throughout the world among different sects. They believed it to be the duty of man to gather these fragments of divine revelation into a harmonious whole to be used in spreadingright thinking and right living among mankind. Thus they combined the thought of the Orient andthe Occident, from which fact we draw the name of this degree.

A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another.

The Eighteenth Degree or Knight Rose Croix. The ceremonies of this degree are interpreted byeach individual according to his own faith for in no other way can Masonry retain its universal character. To all antiquity, Light was the type of Good while Darkness was Evil. Evil was a principle represented in demons and fallen angels, who first having fallen themselves, tempted others to do so, thus bringing sin into the world. The future life was to be obtained by purification and suffering, through the Redeemer who would overcome Evil. The cross has been a sacred symbol of earliest antiquity among many nations, with various meanings. In this degree its interpretation was taken from the Egyptian hieroglyphic for life emanating from Diety, the eternal life for which we all hope. The Rose is the symbol of dawn, of the resurrection of life. Together the rose and cross represent the dawn of eternal life.